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Why Do You Need A Juliet Balcony?

With hotter summers and the price of commercial air-conditioning currently high, getting ventilation and light into your property can be a real benefit. A Juliet balcony is a handy property alteration that doesn’t require a lot of planning or space. It also provides an attractive external feature and is easy to maintain. There are several…


Are Glass Balustrades Worth The Investment?

For clean-looking, contemporary designs, glass balustrades are a great option in a variety of commercial and retail applications. They offer a secure barrier without the weightier appearance of metal or wooden balustrades. Glass balustrades in outdoor or indoor settings give a lighter finish that suits many modern architectural styles. They are also excellent for letting light into…

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Glass Balustrades Vs Wire Balustrades

Which Is Best For Your Next Construction Project? If you’re embarking on plans for a balcony, mezzanine or staircase for a commercial build or refurbishment, you’ll want to choose the construction material for your balustrades with care. A solid balustrade is vital for safety, so it will need to be durable and strong. Easy maintenance is another virtue,…

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Why You Should Choose A Spiral Staircase For Commercial Properties

Staircases are not just for utility. When choosing a staircase design for a commercial property – whether as a contractor or architect, you need to consider space, safety, and visual appeal. A spiral staircase is very compact and can add visual distinction to shops, cafes, leisure venues and many other types of space. They may be used…

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5 Reasons Why You Should Use Stainless Steel Balustrades

When choosing materials for your balustrades for a commercial building or renovation project, there are several important considerations. Stainless steel is a top contender in many respects, especially for modern office and retail buildings. You should expect balustrades to last for years, so it’s sensible to choose materials that are hard-wearing and attractive. You’ll want to avoid…


Looking to fill your outdoor space? Here are 5 reasons you need a canopy.

If you have outdoor space available on your premises, a canopy might be just what you need. Whether you run an office business, school or public property, a canopy can provide numerous benefits for users, both practical and aesthetic. In this article, we’ll look at five reasons why a canopy can enhance your outdoor space. 1) PROTECTION…